Jakkaction's Profile


About myself

Metalhead from the Northeast USA, couple years as metal music director and DJ at a college radio station. Found this site when contemplating how many metalheads there might be hiding in my area of the US, and how much more I am attracted to folks who “get” extreme metal genres at even a basic level. Currently in rotation: Meshuggah, Katatonia, Electric Wizard, Demilich, Lifvsleda, Danzig, Mephorash. Besides the metal I’m really a normal techie trying to do my best every day, in spite of being once labelled “an eccentric.” I try to be of service to others through my job, volunteering, having as strong a code of ethics as I can, and believing in a higher power. I find these values pull me through life okay in spite of often being honest to a fault. Did I mention I can overshare? Though, here, I hope to stay brief to respect your time.My more conventional interests include watching UFC, cooking, listening and producing many different genres of music and taking walks at dusk on warm evenings.

Personal Details

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United States of America

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