
Success Story

May 15, 2024

I have long since deleted my account here, but I wanted to thank you for this site. I met my current partner here and it has been over two years now that we are together. We moved states, bought a house, and are soon to get married. This site and online dating in general seemed like such a long shot, but it absolutely changed my entire life. Thank you.

-> Sent by a female user from United States

Success Story

March 19, 2024

I never figured I would get very far with dating sites, but on this of all places, I met my absolute soulmate. We chatted for a bit here and eventually met up. Fast forward a bit and we are talking marriage and buying a house together. Thank you so much for this venue.

-> Sent by a female user from United States

Thank you

May 8, 2020

It's been 6 years since me and my partner got together. I moved over to be with him over 3 years ago and now we have two beautiful sons together. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity in our lives we couldn't be happier 

-> Sent by a female user from Scotland



Oct. 14, 2018

I met my girlfriend on this site during the summer. She's from norway, and I'm from belgium, and we met up a few weeks ago. We had an amazing week together. This christmas, I'm going to norway to visit her for 10 days. I couldn't be happier. Thank you, Metal Dating.

-> Sent by a male user from Belgium 



Met and married on this site!

Nov. 8, 2017

After failed attempts on other dating websites, I was tired of not meeting guys with my same taste in music (the basis of any relationship, in my book!) Found this site by accident and within a week was chatting with a fellow metal head from the US. After a bit of chatting, we found out we were in the same city! 2 years later we got married and always tell people this story ? Thank you for helping me find my soul mate!ttempts on other dating websites, I was tired of not meeting guys with my same taste in music (the basis of any relationship, in my book!) Found this site by accident and within a week was chatting with a fellow metal head from the US. After a bit of chatting, we found out we were in the same city! 2 years later we got married and always tell people this story ? Thank you for helping me find my soul mate!

Thank you!

Oct. 16, 2016

Thank you for making this site, because of you I have found my metal soulmate! I couldn't be happier! I joined late December 2014 and was talking to a few people but in Jan 2015 I found a member who interested me I decided to message them even though their profile said they weren't active. Thankfully he replied and after a while of talking we decided to meet up for Soundwave (music festival) and have been together ever since! So to anyone else still on this site, don't be discouraged from messaging someone simply because they haven't been active! They may just be waiting for you to message them.

-> Sent by a female user from Australia



Thank You!

Aug. 9, 2016

This website is awesome! I've only been a member for 2 days and I've made so many friends. A big thank you!

 -> Sent by a female user from Australia


My Metal Soulmate..

Jan. 3, 2016

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I found your site May of 2012 after a long term relationship ended. I set out to find my metal soulmate it was my quest. I had met a lot of great guys on your site and while they were not my soulmates I kept searching. Aug.24,2014 I got a wink so I checked out his page and thought wow he is sexy. I sent him a text through the site we chatted that night and I thought to myself he is awesome. The more we chatted the more we found that we in fact were soulmates..OMG my search is over and I have Metaldating to thank.. Because you keep the site free for an amount of time is why I stayed.. Mario and I want to truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts.. To anyone out there searching for your Metal Soulmate they are there just dont give up...We are bouth glad we never did.. We both joined in 2012 and it took 2 yrs for each of us to find the other.. Again Metaldating THANK YOU and I will forever promote your site to my single metal friends looking...

-> Sent by a female user from United States

Found a beautiful girl

Aug. 9, 2015

found a beautiful girl after years of seatching so thanks Metal Dating u are Awesome but gotta de register now


-> Sent by a male user from Sweden